COUHR Toronto

COUHR Toronto Summer Research Program
COUHR Toronto is proud to announce its virtual summer research program! Students will have the chance to attend informative workshops to develop the ability to analyze scientific papers, learn networking skills, and gain more valuable experience along the way. Students will also have the opportunity to improve their scientific communication skills through journal clubs.
Applications are now closed, thank you for your interest!
COUHR Toronto is Hiring!
COUHR Toronto is looking for motivated and passionate students to join the team! There are 5 applications available, applicants are welcome to apply for more than one position.
Applications are due February 28th at 11:59 PM EST.
Keep Up to Date with COUHR Toronto
The Toronto team operates at the University of Toronto. In the past, we have hosted a variety of events with speakers from renowned professors to past team members. Presently, the team is working on creating an online presence in order to connect with the community. We aim to host more events during the upcoming semester, open to all those in the community. For more information follow us on Instagram @couhr_toronto.


Interviewing Skills & Etiquette
Led by Rosanne Aleong
Director of Research, Innovation, and Translation
at the Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest

Research Experience as an Undergraduate Student
Led by Yunjo Lee
Manager, Strategic Planning
at Samsung and Previous Project Manager at St. Michael's Hospital

CV & Resume
Led by COUHR Toronto at the University of Toronto
How to Prepare and Write for Publication in Scientific Journals As an Undergraduate Student
Led by Dr. Mathew Mercuri
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice
Professor at the University of Toronto
"The CV and interview workshop offered by COUHR served as a great starting point to develop my professional skills... was a great chance to learn about the tips on having a great interview from professionals."

BSc Kinesiology and Health Science
"I found this workshop extremely helpful and I highly recommend it! I felt that the content that was covered during the workshop has provided me with the tools to ace any interview."

Toronto Executive Team

Alina Torres

Tasneem Islam
VP internal

Janet Li

Abidur Rahman
vp events

Setareh Malekian
vp external

Yash Verma
vp internal

Maria Athanasopoulos
vp events